Academy Herald [1897-] Collection


The Academy Herald is a publication of the students of Gould Academy. It was started in 1897, and took its name from an earlier periodical published between 1877 and 1879. The Academy Herald originally contained a mixture of school news and student writings and was published twice each school year, once during the fall and once during the spring semester. Over the years, the Herald gradually featured a greater emphasis on photography and transitioned into the school's annual yearbook. New student publications such as the The Gould Blue & Gold and Ettowah continued to fill some of the earlier functions of the Herald.

All issues of the Academy Herald through 2016 are available online.

To navigate to a specific year, simply type it in the search box below and click "Search this Collection."

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Serial Issue / Available Online

Academy Herald (2016)

Serial Issue / Available Online

Academy Herald (2015)

Serial Issue / Available Online

Academy Herald (2014)