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  • Subject starts with "Medicine"

A medical miscellany for genealogists

Book / In-house Use Only

Collection: Books and Pamphlets

The Bethel Courier, Vol. 15, No. 2 1_15_2.jpg

Serial Issue / Available Online

Features: 19th Century Medicine in Bethel, Maine by Joyce Wanger [Part 4] -- 1 Reflections of a Half Century by Leslie E. Davis [Part 18] -- 3 Society news: Editor's Corner -- 3 President's Column -- 3 Society Sales Department -- 4 Book…

The Bethel Courier, Vol. 15, No. 1 1_15_1.jpg

Serial Issue / Available Online

Features: Some Highlights of the Past Twenty-five Years: Bethel Historical Society 1966-1991 -- 1 Reflections of a Half Century by Leslie E. Davis [Part 17] -- 2 19th Century Medicine in Bethel, Maine by Joyce Wanger [Part 3] -- 8 Society…

The Bethel Courier, Vol. 14, No. 4 1_14_4.jpg

Serial Issue / Available Online

Features: 19th Century Medicine in Bethel, Maine by Joyce Wanger [Part 2] -- 1 Reflections of a Half Century by Leslie E. Davis [Part 16] -- 7 Society news: Society Endowment Campaign Tops $6,000 -- 1 New Life Members -- 2 Member Profile:…

The Bethel Courier, Vol. 14, No. 3 1_14_3.jpg

Serial Issue / Available Online

Features: 19th Century Medicine in Bethel, Maine by Joyce Wanger [Part 1] -- 1 A review of The Western Abenakis of Vermont, 1600-1800: War, Migration, and the Survival of an Indian People by Colin G. Calloway [reviewed by Catherine S-C. Newell]…