Western Maine Marriages
The Western Maine Marriages index is a scanned version of a 3 x 5" card index available at the Bethel Historical Society's research library. Assembled by dedicated volunteers over a period of many years, it is comprised of over 20,000 marriage records extracted from several western Maine newspapers as well as annual town reports.
Names are organized alphabetically by last name. Click on a letter group below to open the stack of cards with names in that range.
- Abbott - Ayotte
- Babb - Beals
- Bean - Blake
- Blakely - Brooks
- Brown - Byron
- Cahoon - Chubbuck
- Church - Cooper
- Copeland - Cyr
- Daggett - Dodd
- Dodge - Dyke
- Eafrate - Everleth
- Fairbanks - Fortier
- Foss - Furniss
- Gade - Goodwin
- Gookin - Gutterson
- Hacker - Harrington
- Harris - Hinckley
- Hinds - Hosmer
- Houghton - Hylan
- Iles - Israelson
- Jack - Jutras
- Kalloch - Kyes
- Labbe - Littlefield
- Littlehale - Lyons
- Mc/Mac
- Mace - Miles
- Miller - Myrick
- Nadeau - Nye
- Oakes - Oxhard
- Packard - Philbrook
- Phillips - Putonen
- Quavillion - Quint
- Rabideau - Riggs
- Riley - Rymill
- St. Clair - Shorey
- Short - Smith
- Snell - Stevens
- Stevenson - Symonds
- Taber - Timberlake
- Tinkham - Tyler
- Uhlman - Upton
- Vachon - Voter
- Wade - Wentworth
- Wentzell - Williams
- Williamson - Wyman
- Yates - Zwicker