Browse Items (19 total)
- Tags: Rangeley Lakes (Me. and N.H.)
COLL 174: Sunday River/Rangeley Lakes Photo Album
Finding Aid / In-house Use Only
Tags: Bethel (Me.) | Locke Mountain House (Bethel, Me.) | Mooselookmeguntic Lake (Me.) | Rangeley Lakes (Me. and N.H.)
Collection: Finding Aids
Farrar's Illustrated guide book to the Androscoggin lakes, and the head-waters of the Connecticut, Magalloway, and Androscoggin Rivers, Dixville Notch, Grafton Notch, and Andover, Maine, and vicinity ... / by Charles A. J. Farrar
Book / In-house Use Only
Tags: Andover (Me.) | Kennebago Lake (Me.) | Parmachenee Lake (Me.) | Rangeley Lakes (Me. and N.H.) | Richardson Lakes (Me.) | Umbagog Lake (N.H. and Me.) | White Mountains (N.H. and Me.)
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Scenic gems of the Rangeley Lakes territory up in Maine
Book / In-house Use Only
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
COLL 92: Herb Shirrefs Papers
Finding Aid / Mixed Availability
Tags: Lower Richardson Lake (Me.) | Rangeley Lakes (Me. and N.H.) | Richardson Lakes (Me.) | Upper Richardson Lake (Me.)
Collection: Finding Aids
Camp Bellevue [photocopy of log book]
Text / Available Online
Tags: Camp Belleveue (Richardsontown Township, Me.) | Rangeley Lakes (Me. and N.H.) | Richardson Lakes (Me.) | Upper Richardson Lake (Me.)
Collection: Herb Shirrefs Papers
Rangeley Lake House / Compiled by Jeanne Bowditch and Gary Priest ; Edited by Barabra Priest
Book / In-house Use Only
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Mingo Springs Hotel : the early days / Gary Priest
Book / In-house Use Only
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Boat notes of Richardson Lakes / by Doris and Theron Virgin
Book / In-house Use Only
Tags: Lower Richardson Lake (Me.) | Rangeley Lakes (Me. and N.H.) | Richardson Lakes (Me.) | Upper Richardson Lake (Me.)
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
BHS Program: "The Richardson Lakes: Some Historical Highlights"
Moving Image / Available Online
Tags: Bethel Historical Society (Bethel, Me.) | Lower Richardson Lake (Me.) | Rangeley Lakes (Me. and N.H.) | Richardson Lakes (Me.) | Upper Richardson Lake (Me.)
Collection: Bethel Historical Society Video Collection
Farrar's illustrated guide book to Rangeley, Richardson, Kennebago, Umbagog, and Parmachenee lakes [...] / by Charles A. J. Farrar [1879 edition]
Book / In-house Use Only
Tags: Andover (Me.) | Kennebago Lake (Me.) | Parmachenee Lake (Me.) | Rangeley Lakes (Me. and N.H.) | Richardson Lakes (Me.) | Umbagog Lake (N.H. and Me.) | White Mountains (N.H. and Me.)
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Farrar's illustrated guide book to Rangeley, Richardson, Kennebago, Umbagog, and Parmachenee lakes [...] / by Charles A. J. Farrar [1881 edition]
Book / In-house Use Only
Tags: Andover (Me.) | Kennebago Lake (Me.) | Parmachenee Lake (Me.) | Rangeley Lakes (Me. and N.H.) | Richardson Lakes (Me.) | Umbagog Lake (N.H. and Me.) | White Mountains (N.H. and Me.)
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Town of Rangeley, Maine. Rangeley Lakes region
Book / In-house Use Only
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Capt. Charles A. J. Farrar: Wilderness Writer and Adventure Provider
Text / Available Online
Capt. Charles A. J. Farrar Wilderness Writer and Adventure Provider by William B. Krohn On October 13, 2012, Dr. William B. Krohn, retired wildlife scientist and Professor Emeritus at the University of Maine in Orono, presented the annual Hall…
Collection: Featured Articles from The Courier
The Richardson Lakes : jewels in the Rangeley chain / by Herbert R. Shirrefs ; edited with a foreword by Randall H. Bennett
Book / In-house Use Only
Tags: Lower Richardson Lake (Me.) | Rangeley Lakes (Me. and N.H.) | Richardson Lakes (Me.) | Upper Richardson Lake (Me.)
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
The Rangeley and its region : the famous boat and lakes of western Maine / Stephen A. Cole
Book / In-house Use Only
Collection: Books and Pamphlets
Bethel, Maine, and all over [videorecording] : The home movies of Ralph Hall and others
Moving Image / In-house Use Only
Tags: Albany (Me.) | Andover (Me.) | Androscoggin River (N.H. and Me.) | Aziscohos Dam (Lincoln Plantation, Me.) | Aziscohos Lake (Me.) | Bar Harbor (Me.) | Bear River Grange No. 285 (Newry, Me.) | Bethel Common (Bethel, Me.) | Bethel Inn (Bethel, Me.) | Bethel Inn (Bethel, Me.). The Oaks | Bucksport (Me.) | Cadillac Mountain (Me.) | Chapman Hill (Bethel, Me.) | Dixville Notch (N.H.) | Eagle Mountain House (Jackson, N.H.) | Evans Notch (Me.) | First Baptist Church of Paris (Paris, Me.) | Gorham (N.H.) | Gould Academy | Gould Academy Ski Jump (Newry, Me.) | Greenfield Hill (Fairfield, Conn.) | Grover Hill (Bethel, Me.) | Lake Christopher (Woodstock, Me.) | Living Nativity (Bethel, Me.) | Main Street (Bethel, Me.) | Mechanic Street (Bethel, Me.) | Mooselookmeguntic Lake (Me.) | Mount Christopher (Greenwood, Me.) | Mount Washington (N.H.) | Mount Washington Cog Railway | North Bridgton (Me.) | Paradise Hill (Bethel, Me.) | Paris Hill (Paris, Me.) | Pleasant Island (Me.) | Pleasant River (Me.) | Quebec | Rangeley Lakes (Me. and N.H.) | Rumford (Me.) | Screw Auger Falls (Grafton, Me.) | Seal Harbor (Me.) | Searsport (Me.) | Shelburne (N.H.) | Songo Pond (Bethel, Me.) | Stark (N.H.) | Sunday River Bridge (Newry, Me.) | Sunday River Skiway | Vernon Street (Bethel, Me.) | Vernon Street Rope Tow (Bethel, Me.) | Wight Falls (Newry, Me.) | Winnipesaukee, Lake (N.H.)
Collection: Video Library